
1969 20 hp johnson question

Jerry Moss

New member
Have a pic attached concerning "holes" in casing. I have always assumed they were for water to cool the baffles of the lower unit casing. A little concerned about some oil seepage from one and depth of another. Just changed water pump housing and all. No water in lower unit lube. This motor been in family for 25 years and always dependable. Noticed this seepage few years ago but haven't needed motor. She's going back to the water for some heavy use. Any help on this appreciated. 20160314_135314.jpg MAY HAVE TO OPEN PIC IN A NEW WINDOW..
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There are drain holes in the casting cavities.--------This is to prevent freeze up in colder climates.----And often some sludge ( unburnt fuel / oil mix ) will leak out
Thats why its important to store the motor in the running position so it completely drains both the powerhead and exhaust housing. You see it drip oil more if you do alot of slow speed operation. If it smells like gearoil be concerned. Otherwise just take it out and open it up, the most effecient is to find the point where the ignition timing is fully advanced and make a mark on the handle or controls. If your on a schedule just leave a little earlier.