
1967 Johnson 9.5 Fuel filter

Have been reading the forums here for awhile, and have yet to come across this question.

I have a 1967 Johnson 9.5 ( MQ-13 ), would there be any possible problems if I put a inline filter before the fuel pump? Or would I possibly create a problem by doing so?

Thank You.
Not really necessary as there should be a strainer in the tank and another one in the fuel pump. How old are the fuel lines? Replace the fuel lines any time you rebuild the carb and clean/rebuild the fuel pump and you should not have any problems. Be sure and run the engine out of fuel between uses. When I get home i fill a barrel with water and start the motor and after a few minutes disconnect the fuel line from the engine and let it run out on high idle speed. Your all set for the next outing. Old fuel lines is usually the reason the carb gets full of crap.
The lines are almost a year old, the tank as well. I rebuilt the carb last year, new fuel pump then too, new fuel lines from the connector to pump and to carb, the previous owner didn't prep it for storage and it sat outside for at least 3 years. So much plastic like crap on everything in fuel system.

Not seeing anything in the fuel system now, was just thinking of doing as a precautionary thing.
The problem with a cartrige type filter is if it gets stuffed up it can cause the engine to run lean and that can be fatal to the powerhead. They have been running just fine for 49+ years that way just keep up with preventive maint. If it aint broke dont fix it!