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  1. D

    Need some help with a 81 E25RCIM. Lower unit and cylinder isssue

    I have a 1981 Evinrude 25hp with a couple issues. The first issue is that while trouble shooting a planing problem, I discovered that the lowest part of the lower unit (sorry, I don't know the proper term) is bent. Is the area below the gear oil drain screw solid metal or is it hollow? Hoping I...
  2. D

    Idle and slow speed problems 81 Evinrude E25CIM

    Took the boat out to the lake today to fire up the motor for the first time this year. When the motor fired up I had to be quick to get on the throttle or else it would die. Figuring it was just from being cold I held the throttle about halfway for about 5 minutes. Once it was warm I tried to...