
Top off the gas tank or Not

"Just wanted to know if it&#39

"Just wanted to know if it's recommended to top off the tank with the new 10% Ethanol Gas.?? I had a terrible year changing fuel/water seperators and my thinking is why put 50+ gallons to have it sit for 5-6 months. Any condensation is going to mix with the new gas, so keeping it low and topping off the tank in the spring seems more sensible. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
But if you don't keep it f

But if you don't keep it full you will have a whole lot more condensation to contend with.
Gas is pretty cheap now compar

Gas is pretty cheap now compared to not too long ago but in 5-6 months from now who knows. And at 50+ gallons I know what I would do. There is quite a bit of controversy about hygroscopicity and phase seperation in todays ethanol blends especially in marine use where fuel can remain unused for extended periods of time. If you are laid up in sweltering heat and humidity you may want to reconsider. Being from the northland I find that fresh fuel stored in freezing climates is OK. Either way you will have much less condensation build-up in a full tank. That is why airplane tanks are always topped-off

I feel it is best t


I feel it is best to top off the tank, plug the vent, add stabilizer, use plenty of MDR E-Zorb.

"Thanks Guys, I really appreci

"Thanks Guys, I really appreciate the imput. I topped off yesterday, added stabilizer and MDR- E Zorb. My last question is should I cap off the vent or at least most of it to avoid excess moisture? I think this is where I'm getting some moisture seepage due to the location!! Any help is appreciated and thanks again to all...

cap off the vent....i would al

cap off the vent....i would also recommend a water separator installed.....cost less than 60 bucks including clamps and fittings for the cut hose...the kind that looks like an oil filter for a car..any built in gas tank will get water sooner or later..learned this the hard way this year even tho it had been a ''to-do''' in the back of my mind for years...make sure the fittings are the right size for your gas line...they should be 3/8 inch...if fuel line in 1/4 inch it should be replaced with 3/8...