
throttle controls


for a evinrude e25rcim 1981 can anyone tell me please at the end of the control there are the 2 gears there are these essential when i am running remotes,as i need to get the accelarator linkage built up and i cannot undo the screw that appears to hold the gears in place
Is this a tiller handle model? And if so, are you speaking of the gear that is on the end of the tiller (throttle) handle which matches up against a identical gear that is attached to a shorter shaft on the engine? If this is the case, simply remove the tiller (throttle) handle from the engine.

It would help if you would take time to think it out and explain in detail your problem. Also (no offense intended here), put a period, question mark, whatever is needed in your posts as one long sentence makes it difficult to figure out where something ends and something else begins.
hahaha thank you for that,the tiller arm has been removed and now converted to remotes,my question is if i was to cut the gears off due to not being able to remove screw would this affect the accelerator plse
hahaha thank you for that,the tiller arm has been removed and now converted to remotes,my question is if i was to cut the gears off due to not being able to remove screw would this affect the accelerator plse

Unless those gears and the shaft are binding due to corrosion (whatever), you're better off leaving those two gears and that short shaft where they are.
cosmo1 i have a 40hp with tiller throttle that is remote also, had to clean the gears and remote control because of old grease and sand prevented full
throttle. know it works great
cheers guys,no was trying to get the throttle linkage off schoo so that it could be rebuilt on the side were the screws worn through over the years.tried everything to undo that screw holding the tiller gear in place but it was a stainless screw in aliuminium and was well seized,tried impact driver,drilling out finally had to hacksaw it off but thanks anyway.
happy new year also