

"just wanted to say thanks.a l

"just wanted to say thanks.a lot of great info on this site and some very knowledgeable people that take a common sense approach to solving problems.got my first big boat last febuary.Its a 1980 chris craft 310 catalina.I think its a catalina,I have seen others like it on the web and they call them catalinas so i call mine one to.when i bought it boat had been sitting in the water neglected for almost five years.Needless to say this thing needed some work.I knew one engine was locked up,the other one pretty much worn out.the bilge was in terrible shape.any way had the boat hauled out in august.so far i have pulled the old engines and transmissions,fuel tanks and lots of old wires,hoses and crap that was down there.the bilge is all clean and repainted.the bottom is done.the hull has been painted.my fuel tanks should be ready in about 3 weeks and can finally start going back together with things.bought a used pair of 454 crusaders to power the boat with.test ran the left hand engine a couple months ago and it ran great.starter was bad on the right hand engine. new starter came in this week and test ran engine finally.engine had a bad miss,checked the usuall suspects to no avail.Ran a compression test.# 7 nothing,pulled valve cover and found the exhaust valve stuck and the pushrod bent.Looks like i will be pulling the head tomorrow to find out how bad things are.will let yall know what i find out ."
well got the head off today.tu

well got the head off today.turns out the exhaust manifold is bad.lucky for me the valve just happened to be closed so the cylinder is ok.best i can figure the valve stem got built up with cheese from the water sitting in there.when i turned it over the valve stuck open.should have it fixed soon.
"Jody, I was in a similiar spo

"Jody, I was in a similiar spot last year. Our 1980 Silverton had been poorly maintained for ten or more years and even with that, every one seems to have an idea where the wiring should be. In addition to never removing the old stuff, they added new on top of it. The new AC system is a dream while the DC side will be tackled this winter.... I don't envy that initial position, but love the end result...good luck"
"Al,thanks for the encourageme

"Al,thanks for the encouragement.sometimes i wonder if i will ever get done.my goal for now is just get it back in the water,it is getting expensive having her on the hill.Dont think i will get anything done between now and the first of the year.Oh well,there is another self imposed deadline down the tubes.Just have to keep my eye on the prize at the end."
"well, hope everyone had a nic

"well, hope everyone had a nice holiday.I certainly did.Just an update on the boat,didnt get anything done on the boat workwise,although I did pick up the new fuel tanks last weekend and they sure look good.am in the process now of giving them a good coating of truck bedliner stuff(technical term).the right hand engine is still torn apart,am going to try and fix it this week.I cant find new trim tabs anywhere,must be specific to the boat.will try to find some good used ones on ebay,if no luck i will reuse the old ones for a while although they are in pretty bad shape from electrolisis. Other than that all i really need to buy is new thru hull fittingsand i should have everything i need to atleast get it in the water and back to the slip.That would really take some of the pressure away from this project and it can be fun again."