
Steering Pivot Tube Nut Off


New member
"I noticed last trip out the s

"I noticed last trip out the shifter on 1996 DT140 was having a difficult time going into reverse. Last Weekend checked out shift linkage and shift cable. When I looked under the cowling on lower unit, I found the large nut (~1.5" diam) had come unscrewed and caught the cotter pin in the shift linkage and wouldn't let the shift rod move into reverse. Nut is jammed against lip on lower unit and can't slide back up onto pivot tube (can rotate but can't push over lip). If I take the lower holding bolts loose (ones with vibration pads) can I "slightly" jack the unit up and shift the unit just enough to move the nut up and back onto pivot tube? Will I damage the pivot tube if I try this? Do I even have to take out the mouting bolts on the vibe pads? Am I going to have to drop lower unit? Suggestions? Pivot tube threads are clean, nut appears to have some corrosion but (what can see through a quarter in crack) threads don't appear to be damaged. How do I tighten the large nut when I get in place? Is there a special tool? Pin Punch and tap with hammer? Tempted to use lock tite on nut when I get back on if I have to use a punch pin to tighten. (my father would roll over in his grave if he found out I even thought of tightening a nut this way!)"