


what kind of speed can i excpe

what kind of speed can i excpect from a 90 force how long will a twenty gallon tank on a 1990 18ft bayliner capri last? whats a good cleaner to add to the gas for the carbs
"Roberto, I would expect on a

"Roberto, I would expect on a calm day, not too humid or hot, you could top out somewhere in the mid 30's (34-36 mph) with say a couple of adults on board.

Although every set-up is different I would expect your rig to burn maybe 3 or 4 gallons per hour at 2/3 - 3/4 throttle, which should give you at least 5 or 6 solid hours of cruise time on a tank of gas (20 gallon tank) - but I am pretty much guessing (with a tiny bit of experience thrown in)....

A good additive is a product called "Seafoam" - available at most marine retailers...."