


Silver Medal Contributor
18 frigging spams and site still wont address issue...Its BS saying site cant do anything as other site do. Goodbye as going to stay on other sites as they can control it.
Its crap, I hope it will soon be corrected. I like to try and help the boaters but this is ridiculous. If something isn't done soon, I'm gonna "jump ship". My brother, Frank, who builds internet systems, as well as sites, has told me that this crap can be eliminated. If the officers here need to contact him, I can arrange it. I really don't want to loose my fiends here, like you Pappy.....and "jump ship" to something like I- Boats.
I get on this morning and the whole page with the exception of two post are spam post....... I haven't been here long but probably won't be staying if they can't get this straightened out. I have Moderated many forums and had admin rights, this is a simple problem to address.
I notice that after complaining about the cyber harassing SOB, he/she/it usually comes flying back in like a little spoiled kid and loads up the site with non engine related articles... in todays case, 29 or 30 of them.

I've watched this for quite some time, and having access to other sites as many of you also do, there is not a hint of this problem to be seen in any of them.... just this site, and mainly this Evinrude/Johnson forum. Oh, there's a few inserts in the Mercury and a couple other forums... BUT... it is this apparently singled out Evinrude/Johnson forum that is so obviously saddled with this moron's nonsense of loading in space-wasting uninteresting blabbering that obviously is of no use to anyone here.

Why would anyone with one ounce of sense bother to go to such a time wasting effort?..... Glad you asked! I've been told that this harassing cyber junk is computer generated which can be changed instantly by the sender... block one, they change one item and continue on. Yeah, maybe so, but then again...........

They're have been visitors here who would speak of problems of which that that after a period of time... a dozen of posts under the same topic, whatever... it became obvious that the problem spoke of would be impossible, and when mentioned, the visitor would totally avoid replying to the mention and would go off in drawing in to the subject some other problem that amazingly just popped up. Long story made short.... the visitor had no boat, no engine, no real knowledge of any mechanical aspect and would be shown up and hauled in, so to speak, by one or more of us as the time wasting jerk he/she actually is. And if this jerk is talented in the computer line, paranoid, spiteful, a "Matrix" minded individual..... what would be his/her response?

Yeah... I thought so too!
There are some that just want to talk about a motor or boat they really don't have, or they may be just trying to learn something or communicate to somebody. Statistics have shown that young people today would rather text, than talk face to face. Huh???? That is insane. Most of us are older and this forum helps us to present information in a fun and satisfying way.....why not help someone.....it makes us feel useful......especially off season, for me, when boats are all put away for the winter. I have learned from all my peers here, such useful information......I will never know everything, like the rest of you, but I do operate a successful home business and you guys help me quite a bit. Thanks for that, and I feel that most of you are in this forum for the same reason. Lets put some pressure on the administration here to clean this up, and if they dont, I'm taking my bag of marbles and going to find another game.
Agreed on both counts: It's very annoying, and easy to prevent. I frequent several other "vBulletin" powered forums, that all have measures in place to prevent this type of hacking. The silence from the administrator(s) here is deafening..... (?)
.....The silence from the administrator(s) here is deafening..... (?)
I'm not sure how this spam storm is getting through either. I don't know that the admins read through all the forums frequently so I doubt they are seeing this topic either. This morning I did click on the Report Post icon and it seems they have since cleaned up the spam. Whether that was a result of my report or someone else is irrelevant, I'm just glad it was addressed. I do wish the spam was better managed and I really hope we don't lose good members because of that one problem. This has been a great forum for many years with some very helpful contributors and I hope you all stick around.
Thanks guys. If we loose pro's like Joe, Racer, Pappy, the Englishman (Vic).......to mention just a few.......this forum will never be the same. The forum attracts so many buyers as well. I often buy parts from here.
WELLLL ..thought the site finally did something about spam...WRONG 51 spams this morning.
See Ya as going to other sites..
Those who stay need to email site host/moderator and gripe about this as a couple of hundred emails may get them off their bums. Those interested repairing their engine or buying parts, get your suggestions and buy at a different site as this one aint worth giving your money too.

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I still feel that this person who apparently is well educated in computers, and the use of, is otherwise a interfering, twisted minded, adolescence inclined, bug faced character, a beetle brained, vindictive, wannabe boater, who has never made the grade, who at one time became, out of frustration, or perhaps a overly active masturbation period of his miserable existence had his warped value of a brain twisted into believing he actually had some sort of engine whereas he became a member of this Evinrude/Johnson forum.

However, in doing so, and with the problems he dreamed up in his now Bipolar scrambled skull that soon alerted us to his sorry attempt to deceive the knowledgeable members of this site... said knowledgeable members soon abandoned this character's Alice In Wonderland fantasy thread... and/or to take it a step further... some outright-fully branded him a liar, a time waster, a sitter at a shrinks doorstep waiting for office hours... A natural response for many of the knowledgeable members who resent their time being wasted.

Unfortunately, a person with obvious brain damage, far off so to speak in dreamland, They would feel insulted, defamed, and their deformed intellect would cause them to lash back in whatever method of retaliation they might have at their fingertips... and those fingertips, again unfortunately, coupled with their twisted warped mentality... laid in the electronic retaliation capabilities of the computer... hence a hacker is born in La-la land... and we become annoyed while he grins in happiness, possibly in appearance to a goofy Disneyland character.

I'm sure there are methods of pinpointing this characters location... I mean, after all, they do it all the time on the TV crime series programs. Unfortunately my capabilities do not lay in that area... but somebody's does. Track him down, the IP address, the member's real address, his name? Somebody's capable of that I'm sure.

Possibly this SOB, as I've mentioned, is attacking this single site, singling it out as I somewhat suspect due to the above ramblings of my keyboard... and if so, to throw our hands up in the air and leave... well, that's playing right into his hands and I for one would rather stick around and hope for someone with the know how to eventually pinpoint who this low life jerk is... then he will no doubt become history.
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While reporting some of the Spam yesterday, (as an X-IT guy I know this can be done), I suggested that they limit posts of new users (during a probationary Period) to one/two per day. Will this actually happen, my guess is, NO.
I still feel that this person who apparently is well educated in computers, and the use of, is otherwise a interfering, twisted minded, adolescence inclined, bug faced character, a beetle brained, vindictive, wannabe boater, who has never made the grade, who at one time became, out of frustration, or perhaps a overly active masturbation period of his miserable existence had his warped value of a brain twisted into believing he actually had some sort of engine whereas he became a member of this Evinrude/Johnson forum.

Joe I love your description of the perpetrators. Unfortunately this phenomena is probably a more driven by money than anything else. It's probably a person holed up somewhere, most likely NOT in the US, Australia, or Europe, that is running online BOTS that probe web sites and forums looking for places they can flood with advertisements. These BOTS also monitor forum activity and that alerts the person to try harder to place ads because there are more eyes to see them. They don't care about getting blocked because they get paid each time someone clicks on a link in their ad, so once they can get a post put up it gives them incentive to keep trying. Most of this is automated and is the reason a lot of web forums use a captcha that you must answer before submitting a post.

These people don't care if they interrupt our forum.....in fact, they probably barely know we exist. Our forum is simply a place they can flood with links.

Back to Joe's description though.......I use similar examples with my teenage boys. They talk about these successful YouTubers and most often I tell them it's a 30-something person as you have aptly described still living in his mom's basement.
It's amazing they think this BS would make someone want to buy what they're trying to sell. I wouldn't buy it if my life depended on it!
Hah! Remind me to stay on your "good side", Joe! Oh crap! Its snowing again here, my machine shed is gonna drop on my retirement! When I look up there I see not snow, but TWO A320 Airbuses, yes 170,000 lbs. If I gotta go up on that roof again, I'm gonna scream!
Hah! Remind me to stay on your "good side", Joe! Oh crap! Its snowing again here, my machine shed is gonna drop on my retirement! When I look up there I see not snow, but TWO A320 Airbuses, yes 170,000 lbs. If I gotta go up on that roof again, I'm gonna scream!

A snow covered roof is no place for people our ages to be Tim... Dream up some sort of heater system and Paten it. Time to make your second fortune!
My wife made my first fortune. She is working on the second and she is in the Philippines now with her parents. She bought a large beach in 2007, which had the title stuck in a pawn shop. One of the owners was a losing chronic gambler. She cleaned out the squatters (23 families), took the trash out to sea, and sold the land last May for 3 times what we had invested in it. Someday it will be a beautiful resort. She sold it to President Duterte's developers. Davao City is not only Raquel's home town but the Presidents.
Right, at our age we gotta use our brain to make up for our brawn! I used my brain to marry a sweet, solid and wise woman. If I tried to hook my welder to each end of the roof, what would happen? Tesla would know what to do. I'd probably burn down the darn shed. One truss chord splintered, almost lost the building on Monday.


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Ah.... The Philippines... One military venture took me there back in the early 50's. I liked it there but didn't stay long. I do remember there was no snow problem there though. :)
Yes, snow is only a dream for most. Ma and Pa have been here in Minnesota for 17 years, they are showing pictures and telling stories there right now. It is so amazing how adaptable they are after living their lives in the tropics. Here they are with grandson in our home 2010 (helped build our home and lived with us for 12 years). Timmy is our only child. Raquel, 2000.


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