
Replacing exhaust manifolds on the water


New member
I have a Volvo Penta 5.7 GSI. I need to replace my exhaust manifolds and risers. The marina I am at charges about $200 just to pull the boat out of the water. I'm a bit concerned about replacing them while the boat is in the water unless I have all the precautions covered. I realize I need to plug the exhaust tubes but they are huge. The hose to the water pump is no problem. Any suggestions on how to seal the exhaust tubes off? Am I missing anything? I have changed many manifolds on cars. Somewhat mechanically inclined. I just need to make sure all incoming water is blocked. Thanks, Todd
Are the motors that far in the bildge that they would flood?
Usually they install them so the water won't come back up that far.Too deep and they would flood on their own.
Figure out where the water line is on the inside while setting.
I think you will see it's not a problem.