
Pinging Old school VP mechanics. Impeller kit for seawater pump


Advanced Contributor
I received an impeller replacement kit for my VP 270 / AQ120B seawater pump. It comes with a tiny vial of green looking stuff. What is it and what do I do with it?
I received an impeller replacement kit for my VP 270 / AQ120B seawater pump. It comes with a tiny vial of green looking stuff. What is it and what do I do with it?
If you frequent the female impersonator clubs, I don't' need to tell you what this is for! :D
If you do not, it's for your lips during windy conditions to prevent chapping. :D

Seriously..... it is likely colored glycerin. You can buy clear Glycerin at any ph-ar-mac-y (the system blocks that word).
Glycerin is an excellent impeller lubricant in that it will not dry up quickly, it offers a good slip factor, and it will not harm the impeller material as will
petroleum products.

Coat the impeller pump cavity, and coat both the thrust surfaces and each impeller vane before installing.
It will work well.

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Thanks Ricardo. But I don't think there is enough to do all that. Its a very tiny vial. Might be lucky to have enough to coat a section of the inside of the pump housing and hope it spreads around?

Go to your local ph-arm-a-cy, and buy a small bottle of glycerin. It will cost you less than a few bucks.
You'll have enough for several years.