
Oil questions


" Hi, I have an older outboard

" Hi, I have an older outboard 84ish I think. I was wondering if it is ok to mix different brands of 2 cycle oil? I have 3 or 4 quarts that are Partials in the shop. what is the shelf life of oil if the container has been open? is there any benifate from being consistant in the brand of oil? Is there a paticular brand that you recomend? Thanks in advance for the help!!!
Rob "
" I have always felt that it i

" I have always felt that it is wise to use fresh oil just like fresh gas, if sts been open and for awhile it will go stale. I was always taught to treat your motor good and it will treat you good, you don't have to use the same brand all the time but don't skimp on the price just to save a few pennies, as it will probably cost you more in the futrue. (sounds like a proberb ) "