
NO OIL alarm sounding at idle only b05 90hp Johnson 2str



Thought my motor iss


Thought my motor issues were resolved with the whole "rectifier / tach" issue getting fixed...the motor is actually running great overall. (Motor is 90hp Johnson 2 stroke year 2005)

But, ever since the tach has been worked on, and the wiring harness repaired, I'm having an issue with the "NO OIL" alarm and light sounding when at idle for more than a minute or two - sometimes it sounds within a few seconds of idling. As soon as I throttle up it stops and both the audible alarm and "idiot light" indicator turn off. It's the multi-function tach where the alarms originate.

Possible causes? Bad alarm sensor? Oil pump weak at idle RPMs? Oil level is 3/4 in the tank, primer bulb for oil tank is very hard to the squeeze and is not suctioning or flattening at all...

Oil alarm never sounds at any other speed than idle in neutral gear.

Any suggestions for troubleshooting greatly appreciated - thanks!

"Be smart,disconnect the VRO p

"Be smart,disconnect the VRO per Joe`s instructions
and mix the oil-gas. Your boating will be much
more enjoyable."
"u prob,have an air leak,or re

"u prob,have an air leak,or restriction....unless a person,..wants to 'stay-up' on the oiling system,....disc it...it is a reliable,good system,in service,since spring,1984....it needs maintenence,just like anything.....u cant just run it,forever...it wears out....new VRO pump,hose lines,oil tank clean,will put u back in service....cheap...NO---dependable--YES...if u dont want to do all that---PREMIX...."
"I pre-mixed with my last two

"I pre-mixed with my last two motors, so I am familiar with the process...it's been nice not to have to premix, although it's not so bad to do so with my relatively small setup / fuel tank capacity...

This motor only has like 120 hours on it tops - I can't believe the damned thing has worn out already...so frustrating!

Thanks for the input guys - I'll certainly take it into consideration...
