
Need a chrysler 360 engine block


New member
I am looking for a used chrysler 360 engine "bare" block.I have a 1975 Century Buccaneer. Found out the block is cracked by preforming a pressure test. The engine does turn over. i have yet to take the engine apart to see where the crack is but have done some research and found that even if its just a sleeve it is very pricey. Really need some help so i can get my boat in the water to enjoy the summer. Thanks for reading.
Pull the intake and look for cracks just below it--that's where freeze damage shows up. If so, better look around for a junkyard block. Any 360 block will do, but you'll need brass freeze out plugs.


PS: Years ago I sleeve repaired a block and cursed myself for years for not getting another one instead. Never will do that again.