
Motor problems with 1989 Johnson evinrude motor


New member
Our 1989 model 50 hp johnson evinrude motor is having some problems. It will start fine at the house but is very aggravating on river.. It will sometimes start and run great but when you go to turn it back on after trilling for a few minutes, it won't start.. The last couple of times we took it out, it wouldn't even start to come off of the trailer.. Can anyone help us out?
(Engine Won't Start or Hard Starting In Water)
(Joe Reeves)

The Evinrude and Johnson engines, starting in 1973, have what is called Magneto Capacitance Discharge ignition, self contained, not dependent on battery voltage. The engine must turn over at least 300 rpms in order for the flywheel magnets rotating past the stator ignition generating coils to supply approximately 300v AC to the powerpack(s), which in turn is needed to supply power to the coils etc etc (spark).

In the water, exhaust back pressure is encountered due to the fact that the exhaust housing (housing between the powerhead and the lower unit) is filled with water. This would drag down the needed rpms, affecting ignition.

Normally the clue to this type problem is that the engine starts fine on a flushette (hose), but is very difficult to start when in the water.

Should this be the case, check the battery, clean and tighten all conections (use a wrench or pliers, not your fingers). Any cable that gets overly warm or hot indicates either a loose, or tight but dirty, or internally corroded cable. And of course check the starter itself.

Thousands of parts in my remaining stock. Not able to list them all. Let me know what you need and I'll look it up for you. Visit my eBay auction at:


Spark (with "all" spark plugs removed) should jump a 7/16" gap with a strong blue lightning like flame... a real SNAP!

ALSO....... Take a good look at the stator under the flywheel (a two purpose component). Should there be cracks and/or leakage of a sticky looking substance dripping down on the powerhead and timing base area, replace it. That leakage results in a AC voltage drop to the powerpack capacitor which in turn leads to weak, erratic, and eventually no ignition.

Let us know what you find.