
Mercarb 2bl GM 3.0 1985


New member
Need help to understand...Having issue with my carb, starting engine is easy but after a minute it stop, try to start again but no gas came in. Tap on the carb then gas entering into carb and start easily. Seems to be float/needle issue sticking closed and not let gas came in. So i ordered carb kit, clean all carb then reassemble to spec. Good start and running well, but after a couple weeks of fine running same problem comes back, first start of the day i need to tap on carb to let gas goes in then it works well all day...any idea of what's goes on here?

Thanks for help.
Most likely the needle is sticking into the seat. As you tap on the body, it frees the needle up.

E10 gasoline is no help, unless the kit included a needle that is E10 friendly.