
Loosening an almost seized part


New member
"A bushing, part of the steeri

"A bushing, part of the steering, of my '79 merc 7.5hp is practically seized.

See the pic attached (part colored red for clarity). It moves if I twist it with vice grips but it's too hard to twist to work well in use. The teeth are good so I'm hoping I don't have to replace the part. I can't seem to figure out how to remove the part (manual doesn't help), so I'm shooting Liquid Wrench to it.... but it's a long way from being free enough to work well.

Any suggestions on how to get it out OR free it up so it turns easy?
steering part that is seized
Have you tried Propane or MAPP

Have you tried Propane or MAPP gas torch ? Heating the shaft it fits in ?
"Unfortunately the bushing app

"Unfortunately the bushing appears to have a plastic or nylon sleeve or core, so the heat is probably out. Thanks for the reply though."
"Got it! Took some work to get

"Got it! Took some work to get all the related parts disassembled, but once I did, the steering piece was just pressure fit into place....had a fair share of salt and built up corrosion on it. A good cleamning and some gentle sanding and all is good!

I do have an issue with the Flush channel in the engine being blocked with salt... can't seem to unblock that, tried water, CLR, a strong wire and even a coat hanger. Any ideas?"
"Stick the LU in a bucket of w

"Stick the LU in a bucket of warm water with lots of detergent in it. Fire it up and let her run, keeping your eye on the Tell Tale and making sure it's pumping water and not just suds. A half hour of this should do it.


Note: You'll see the water color change as it runs."
"Just cleaned a swamp cooler w

"Just cleaned a swamp cooler with vinagar. But if that channel has no flow, your stuck with taking the power head off and scraping it out with a pocket knife."