
Johnson RDM14 25hp


"Is anyone familiar with this

"Is anyone familiar with this variation? I had never seen such an engine until now and don't know if its good fortune or not. I assume the "M" in the model is for Military.
My first question concerns the serial number prefix, "68". What does the 68 stand for?
The entire engine is built excessively heavy duty, and long.
How about minor engine parts (needle for carb)? I assume some parts may be the same as commercial, but not many?

Any input appreciated

In addition to the above there

In addition to the above there is a metal data plate rivited to the main housing directly below the powerhead that reads 8-9-68. It appears as a date.
Can it be remotely possible that this 1953 model Johnson engine was manufactured for the Govt. in 1968?

Thanks - BrianJ
"When I'm able to get it o

"When I'm able to get it out of the truck I'll give photos a try. It is a model RD-14 which belongs in 1953, but is military. In other Govt. purchases, even spread over several years, normal changes/upgrades are reflected in the product as such. If this wasn't made in 1953 it doesn't follow suit. Very perplexing.
"A 1953 civilian model should

"A 1953 civilian model should have a two piece metal cover and a two hose pressurized fuel tank. The one piece fiberglass covers started appearing in 1959.
1954 Johnson 25
"I'll try a couple pic&#39

"I'll try a couple pic's. New computer, new camera and all.
Was also talking to an old Johnson retired employee and said its possible with a govt. contract to have a model 1953 to have been made in 1968. This actually has a three piece metal cover. Small section that pivits to get at long plugs.
No stand available for upright shot needs to be 42" high.
I'm doing something wrong as far as pic's - won't upload?????
