
Johnson fict 150


New member
"I have a couple of problems w

"I have a couple of problems with this motor. First when I am trolling sometimes when a wave rocks the boat it increases rpms for a short while then returns to normal. Also hard to keek 900 rpms for trolling. Wants to either go at 1100 or 700 rpms. hard to keep in the middle. Also when you tilt the motor all the way up it sometimes leaks gas oil mixture,I think from air intakes.Is there some resevoir diafram that could be cracked? Idles great and runs greatat most rpms"
"This model is very sensitive

"This model is very sensitive when it comes to throtle cable adjustment and 'sticking' throtle cable which may be Your main problem. It may even be the TPS (throtle position sensor) itself that is a bit 'jumpy' on the earlir models.
As for 'front leakage':
If Your air silencer gets filled with brownish oil that leaks out when tilting, that is next to normal. It may be reduced somewhat by choosing a lighter prop. Be sure You reach 5700 rpm at full throtle. Below that 'blow back' encreases a lot in the silencer.
If there isfuel leaking, it most likely comes from the vapor seperator behind the air silencer. Leaking gasket or schroeder valve at the top."
"are there any updates on the

"are there any updates on the tps. I know I have popped a code for that sensor and the mechanic said it was an adjustment. Still does it at idle sometimes. Nobody arround wants to work on these motors. I love it when it works. Any idea on the rpms racinmg when a wave rocks the boat. Seems like fuel is leaking into the crankcase, Is this possible? Should I replace the tps? Thanks for your help and Merry Christmas!"
"I know the TPS was improved a

"I know the TPS was improved after Your engine was produced and if not mistaken it resulted in a part number change.
The rpm changes when hitting waves may be caused by movements in the throtle cable which again influences on the TPS. I doubt it is fuel leaking into the engine, it only gets fuel through the injectors. There is NO fuel entering below the pistons, unless You have a cracked membrane in the fuel pump!"