
How to remove trans coupling from prop shaft.


New member
Trying to remove the transmission coupling from the prop shaft. The coupling has two set screws and a shaft key. After loosing the set screws, I tap on it with a hammer but it dose not move. Is there a tool, or a technique that is required to remove the coupling from the shaft?
When you go to put it back on spend the money and get the split kind and it will make life a bit easier the next time.
If you don't have room for a puller in there, press it out with a hand selected set of sockets and a couple lengths of fine thread allrod and nuts. If things are rusty, most pros will take a angle grinder to it.
I asked same thing a few months ago...mine is a freshwater boat and I fought it for 2 days. Socket didn't work, socket with heat didn't work. Your results though may be better than mine. If all else fails use an angle grinder and split the coupling over the key. She will come right off then. The split coupling is well advised.
I believe this gentleman is trying to remove the TRANS side of that coupling, not the PROP side. It has splines that can rust in place and be hell to get off. An acetylene torch with a BIG tip is how to do it. Using a Bernzomatic torch will do nothing at all--way too little heat.
