
HELP Cooling Problem with Johnson Outboard 8 HP


Murat Artan

" I do not have any repair pla

" I do not have any repair place around here, so I am trying to figure out if the problem with my outboard engine (Johnson model J8RENM, bought in 1992 but almost not used)is trivial enough to be solvable by myself.

When I start the engine, I observe that the cooling water circulation does not work. Although the water-out hole seems to blow out (or rather "spray out") air.

After a short run (10-20 seconds?), the engine shuts itself off. I am hooping that it is due to some sort of fuse system to prevent overheating.

What can the problem be? If it is blocked for water, how come it blows out air?

I really appreciate any help, any tricks, any on-line help internet sites for johnson outboards and the whereabouts of the impeller in the engine, if you suspect the trouble is with it...

The nearest dealer is around 500 km away, I appreciate any help.
Best Regards. "
"Murat.... Either the water in

"Murat.... Either the water intake screen (just above the prop) is clogged, the water pump is damaged, the head gasket is faulty and allowing exhaust pressure to enter the water passageway, the water passageway at some point is clogged with salt/sand/whatever, or the engine is not deep enough in the water (unlikely).

To my knowledge, there is no automatic shut down feature on that engine should it overheat. When it stops running, can you turn the flywheel? If not, the engine is seizing due to overheating and that will cause head gasket damage.

The water pump kit for that engine is OMC #396644 with a list price of about $30.00. A head gasket if needed is OMC #325273 with a list price of about $10.00 (sorry, I don't have either).

I recommend that you obtain a manual for that engine from this site if its available. Repairing the engine is something you can do yourself, but you don't want to tinker with it. The manual will help you to avoid costly mistakes.

I believe that the listing at left "Classified" , then Outboards, then Manuals will take you to the right area.... or possibly Andrew will jump in here with a Hyperlink shortcut.

Hi Murat; You can try to stic

Hi Murat; You can try to stick a hanger in the exhaust port after cleaning the intake screen (be carefull the water intake screen is plastic and it can break) to see if it is clogged. I've heard that happen (The Exhaust Port clog) Good Luck....
" Hi,

I appreciate your hel

" Hi,

I appreciate your help. I'll go through the checks you recommended and if it requires some important disassembly, I'll stay put, until after I get the service manuals.
Thanks again! "