
Help AQ130C With 2 Head Gaskets


I just pulled the head of the

I just pulled the head of the engine and behold it has two head gaskets on it. Does that mean some jackleg tried to cover up a warped head when he sold me the boat?
"I've never heard of it be

"I've never heard of it being used as a good thing.
It can be a cheap cure for a warped head or a head that has been planed too much and needs the extra thickness.
Check the head with a straightedge. What do the mating surfaces look like? Is the aluminum on the head eroded away anywhere?
"Jackleg", I've only heard that description once before, from a boatbuilder/writer from Georgia. Not a New England term........



"It is all cast iron, head and

"It is all cast iron, head and block, The mating surfaces look fine. A jackleg is someone who claims they are a professional in a line of work, but don't know what they are doing."
Maybe the two gaskets are ther

Maybe the two gaskets are there to increase the size of the combustion chamber and avoid pinging by using lower octane gas than in Europe?
The reason a took the head off

The reason a took the head off was due to overheating. Remember my compression was 1-170 2-150 3&4-180. I do not have a blockage no where. The water passages are not rusted shut. Should i put it back together using one head gasket? What could be making me overheat? I am now at a total loss. I thought for sure i had a blown head gasket.
"That engine is rated 130 HP &

"That engine is rated 130 HP (SAE) using 1 head-gasket and 98oct fuel!!!!!!
You may go down to 87 by using 2 gaskets or one copper gasket (if You may get hold of one). The real power will then be down to around 110 Hp.
For the sake of the valves, use a lead substitute anyway."
"Without numbers (act comb

"Without numbers (act combustion volume, distance of piston below block top, gasket thickness after installation) it's a guess; ie: take a chance."
"What did you put back in , on

"What did you put back in , one or two gaskets?
Did you ever figure out why the two gaskets were used?

"I put one back on, the new on

"I put one back on, the new one was the thickness of the two put together. Never did figure out why 2 were on it. Runs fine and cool."