


Contributing Member
i was wondering if the floats

i was wondering if the floats arent adjusted to 3/4 of an inch if this would cause power loss and make the motor die thanks for any help
If the Float Level is too low

If the Float Level is too low - the engine will probably idle without notice but running with power - it will die out. Needs fuel in the bowl to keep it going - unless you are running with a fuel pressure system then it may be tougher to tell. Best thing is to set the float correctely and remove the doubt.
"set ur float...level,to sligh

"set ur float...level,to slightly above level,oposite end of hinge pin.....float,does,need to be inst correctly."
ok but my motor wont start bec

ok but my motor wont start because i bought carb kits and i did them today and the i peplaced the srew under the float where it attaches to the carb and i didnt know if the float not being the correct distance that it would do this cause my motor was running fine before now it doesnt want to start and i put everything back on the right way
its a 1974 johnson 70 h.p. im

its a 1974 johnson 70 h.p. im gonna go out there tomorow and adjust the floats cause when i just cleaned my carbs i didnt touch the floats and now i replaced parts in the carbs and i thought it would be fine but im gonna adjust them and see what happens
"excellent eng!...but,lets slo

"excellent eng!...but,lets slow down,a few minutes....u cleaned the carbs..but did'nt touch,the floats?..
lets see if i can help...when u clean/rebuild those carbs....u remove the bowl,..next,remove hinge pin on float...then,brass screw looking'seat'...depending on how gummed up or 'bad' the carbs r,determines,if i 'soak' them,or,spray thru them...use new parts,..they r cheap....always disassemble fully,...clean,thoroughly,then,..re-assemble,using new parts.blow thru,very well,use a lite,to ck jets.......if u chooose to service ur eng,get a good manual,to assist u,u wont be sorry!."
"(Carburetor Float Setting

"(Carburetor Float Setting)
(J. Reeves)

With the carburetor body held upside down, the float being viewed from the side, adjust the float so that the free end of the float (the end opposite the hinge pin) is ever so slightly higher (just ever so slightly off level) than the other end. And when viewed from the end, make sure it is not cocked.

Thousands of parts in my remaining stock. Not able to list them all. Let me know what you need and I'll look it up for you. Visit my eBay store at:

yea i cleaned them before i bo

yea i cleaned them before i bought kits to see if it would fix my original problem and i didnt take the hinge pin off or the floats i just cleaned the jets and all on the inside of the carbs but now when i was redoing them with the kits i removed the floats and when i was done putting the kits on i put them back but didnt adjust them and now my motor wont even start it will start for like 10 seconds then die and i put everything back the right way so thats the only thing i can think of that i didnt do and that is to adjust the floats
"therer r basically--- 2 thing

"therer r basically--- 2 things that need to be checked in regards to ur float... float level..and float drop....ck both...and of course,that they r not tilted or cocked to one side,..nice and level."