
Exhaust Manifolds FWC


Contributing Member
I have 270hp crusaders FWC. My exhaust manifolds are atleast 15years old. How long do they last and when should they be replaced?
Thanks Mike

When I was a young buck (4 years ago), I installed new exhaust manifolds on my 22 yo FWC 454's. If I had it to do over, I would have left them and just did risers/elbows. They seem to last the life of the engines with almost no failures aside from obvious neglect.

2X what Bob said!!

As long as you keep good coolant in the system, the exhaust manifolds will last a real long time.

The risers and elbows...depends upon what you boat in (water content) and how often...on the east coast, I'd say 4-7 years...even with fresh water flushings after each use...