
ethonal free gas

Not sure I would trust color. Take a sample, put it in a clear jar, add 9 to 10 percent water, shake it briefly. Set down the jar. Wait about an hour, or overnight. If it has ethanol, the water will stay mostly suspended. If it is non oxy, you will see the water you added at the bottom of your jar. Also make sure when you get your non oxy-fuel that it has a dedicated hose at the pump otherwise you will need to run one gallon into your car or truck before you fill your outboard motor tank in order to get rid of the residual ethanol unless the last purchase in fact was non-oxy. When I pull up to the pump with my old truck or vintage vehicle looking for non oxy I can simply do the math to find what product was purchased last. More and more retailers that handle non oxy are going to a dedicated hose these days.