
Engine keeps stalling ! Please help !


New member
Hey there,

I just bought my first boat two weeks ago ( 1988 holiday 200, I/O 4.3l 6cyc ) I had the marine mechanic check it out and he said it was in great shape from the boat to the motor and ect.

I took it out Saturday for about 30 mins for the first time and it ran beautiful ( I was with my buddie who was showing me the ropes )

I parked it for about an hour and then went back out with the family. About 20 mins into the evening I nicked a rock ( It's called stoney lake for a reason... lol ) but it wasn't that bad so I went on, but then shortly after I stalled out of no where. I was able to start the engine right back up. This would continue to happen a few more times but every time was harder to start back up. I eventually got it back to the docks and I parked. I talked to local ppl at the trailer park and people suggested I had dirty lines or water in the lines. So i bought anti-freeze and fuel injector cleaner. I put it in the gas tank and let the engine idle for about half hour before I tried again. ( I forgot to mention then when it stalled it would be around 1.5-2 rpm) After putting that stuff in I tested the boat again and with better success I was about to run it at about 2.5 rpm no problem but stalled twice when I got to e 2.9/3 rpm. So I docked it and now I'm here asking about.

I can start the boat up good today with no problems and it idle's like a champ. It just stall's around 3rpm every time.

Thanks for help in advanced,
Follow the shift cable from the throttle to the engine bay ,see the 2 micro switch's on the shift convertor follow the wires from the switch's to the plugs, with someone else operating the controls or yourself at the helm show the person how to unplug the plugs.

First check if the micro switch's buttons are stuck down ? Sticking. Are they landing in the v grooves after the shift. If all is good there....

throttle up till it starts to conk out and have the person quick pull the plugs.

The boat takes off and runs good you will need to shut off the engine to shift back to neutral but then you found the problem.

Esa went.
I was at work today and forgot to ask a important question. What parts would need replacing and roughly how much ??

I happen to run into a mechanic and told him my problem and how you said the "esa went" It said It wouldn't be the esa because it doesn't stall at any rpm but only at 3000rpm. He was thinking when I'm at higher rpms that the alternatorisn't giving enough juice to the engine to power it so it stalls on me. Could this be another option for my problem?
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Tell your buddy he knows jack chit about omc's and the esa.

Tell him to come on the board so i can learn him something like Archie Bunker used to say.

What i told you to do costs nothing and when you post back if the esa is the problem i will will tell you how to for free wire the engine like a merc i/o.

Or you can listen to your know nothing buddy and chase your tail around for weeks trying to figure this out.

It's up to you.
OK I ended up taking it to the marine mechanic. The problem was water in the lines which was causing the stalling. I also had to replace my ball bearing with some universal joints and the fuel filter