
Decreased pitch and did not help


Contributing Member
I got a different prop that is

I got a different prop that is a 17 pitch and it did not help me get out of the hole any faster and it did not increase my rpm's.
I am running 4300-4400 RPM's max with both the 17" and the 19"
I thought the prop I was getting was a SS 14.24 x 17 and it ended up being Aluminum 15.25 X 17 How much of a difference would this make?
I bought it for $80 on Ebay... should I send it back for a refund or just keep it for an extra?

I am thinking I need to clean my carb and maybe polish it to help a bit for airflow... what can I do to find my extra Rpm's and get out of the hole faster?? do I need to find a 15 pitch prop?? Will the 1" diameter make that much difference?
If you went from a 14 x 19 to

If you went from a 14 x 19 to a 15 x 17 you won't get any increase in RPM. A rough rule is that an increase on 1" in diameter absorbs the torque of 2-3 inches pitch. The easiest way in propeller calculations is to keep the original diameter an increase or decrease the pitch as required; then for every 2 inches increase or decrease in pitch the top RPM should change about 300-400 RPM (less pitch gives you more RPM).
"Very little, I'm afraid.

"Very little, I'm afraid. However, a repair shop should be able to add or remove 2" of pitch to an existing propeller without a problem."
"Take your new prop to a prop

"Take your new prop to a prop shop and have them remove 2 inches of pitch. Cheapest way to go, and you'll notice the difference immediately.

PS: Messing with the carb won't do a thing."
So decrease it to a 15.25x17 t

So decrease it to a 15.25x17 to a 15.25x15?
How much do prop shop usually charge so I know I am not getting ripped off?