
Decarbing Question


Regular Contributor
"I have 350 hours on a SBC 350

"I have 350 hours on a SBC 350 and last season had a bunch of problems with my Holley carb running rich. Due to the rich conditions I suspect a good amount of carbon buildup in the engine.

There are numerous "de-carb" products out there and hundred of suggestions on how to use them.

I was thinking of mixing an entire can of Seafoam with three gallons of gas in a jerry jug and running this through the engine with muffs. In addition I was thinking of getting a can of Deep Creap, or OMC Engine Tune and spraying that through the carb as well. Maybe even pull each plug, juice each cyclinder and let it sit overnight?

What do you guys think?

"The places I see carbon build

"The places I see carbon buildup the worst are the backsides of the valves and the valve stems, which would not necessarily get cleaned up by running additives through the motor, and definitely will NOT be cleaned up by a few gallons of treatment run through it or loading the cylinders up with chemicals. Those carbon accumulations happen over time and are very tough. You can prevent them to some extent or slow them with additives when used regularly, but to remove heavy carbon buildup from that area you need to pull the valves out to boil/brush/dissolve the accumulation. I have heard of other dramatic methods, but if your engine is running ok right now, let it be.

Good luck!