
Continutation of upgrading 30 HP to 40 HP Mariner 1995


New member
"Bonjour Graham,

Indeed my

"Bonjour Graham,

Indeed my local dealer did not change the reed valves but only carburetor to WME 67 (40 HP) so nothing happened to engine speed (regime moteur). When he changes the read valves the engine speed will increase. So the 'couple moteur' (in french) will increase so the power will increase.

Couple moteur = Power * Diametre
Puissance moteur = Couple moteur * Regime moteur

I hope to gain something significatif and it may be much better to change the propeller as well so that my new couple moteur gives better power.

Currently speed is 21 knts and I cannot degauge with more than 3 personns.

The speed should not really increase but power should be much better.

I will let you know.
"Hegy, I roughly understand so

"Hegy, I roughly understand some of your french there
Yes, you will see a slight speed increase (a few miles per hour) once the reeds are changed.

But you are more correct - what you will see is a change in your "power band". At max timing advance, about 3/4 throttle, you should have more power than you previously had, with still a bit of throttle left over..."