
Clutch Dog Opinion - Johnson 90hp


New member
I've searched extensively and tried to find comparison examples of worn clutch dogs. Most tend to be in much worse shape than what I've got. When i tore this outboard open, I expected to find a smoking gun and I don't think I have. It's a 1990 Johnson 90hp.

I've got a textbook case of "hitting a stump". I tore the lower unit down once before, saw that all the gears and clutch dog looked good (in my uneducated opinion) and so I decided to put things all back together and adjust linkage. I tightened the shift linkage to the point that the boat doesn't want to come out of forward gear when you shift back to neutral...as a test. Still "hitting a stump". I tore it back down last night and I still don't feel like the clutch dog or gears are worn enough to warrant it jumping a tooth. Furthermore, when I first shift into gear, it jumps right in....no grinding. I'd figure that if the teeth were worn down enough to matter that it would fight against going into gear.

Here are pictures of my dog/forward gear. Guidance would be much appreciated.
