
Carb leaking gas


New member
Hi. I’m new to this forum,and new to rebuilding carbs,so I have a question I hope you all can help me with. Specifically, I have a 2006 3 carb. 2 stroke 50 hp mercury outboard that leaks gas from the bottom carberator through the intake. The more I throttle her the more it leaks. I set the float to 14.3 ml. As was specified, replaced the float pin, and cleaned it all but to no avail. Do I have to buy a new carb? Or can this be resolved? Thanks . Any help is appreciated. Chuck
Try this: Lower the float level 116 " at a time until it stops leaking. I clamp the carb in my vise as I do this and pressure it up with my test tank--a lot less effort that way!

leaks gas from the bottom carberator through the intake.

Need a lil more clarity...is it leaking from emulsion tube in center of carb throat??? How is this leaking thru intake? Got a pic of this leak?