
Brand new 3.0 overheat


New member
Just installed a brandnew 3.0L in my boat and while adjusting the initial timing and rpm, the hose with the cuffs came off the outdrive as to where there was no water supply to the motor. I noticed it seemed to be getting hot and found the problem. I looked at the gauge and it was near 250 on the dash. I put the hose back down on the inlets from where it had slipped off and water again was being supplied. Then the motor started missing and I found water in the number 4 cylinder and exhaust manifold. The oil also looks milky. Pulled the manifold and head to inspect the block as best I could. No signs of any cracks anywhere I can see, including pulling off the pushrod cover. I set the head back down on the head and it does seem to rock very slightly. So, did I warp the head, crack the block, blow the head gasket, or maybe all of the above? I have never had that happen before with the water muffs coming off, and I am bummed beyond belief that I may have screwed a brand new engine.
Bad news... Sounds like you warped the head and blew the head gasket. As to the block? I don't know how long your engine ran dry, but if it was for a brief time, I'm surprised there was any damage.

Fortunately, you can't fire me... I got to be "picked for outsourcing" at my last job as an engineer at a Lucent spinoff because I kept walking into my boss's office with bad news. (Silly me, I thought it was my job to find problems before the customers did!)
Sandkicker said it. Bearer of bad news. Pull the motor. Buy a good marine engine rebuilt kit, find a good shop to rework the head and do it again. If the head is not flush to the cylinder suface then some real damage has been done. You are going to have to do a complete rebuild. Enough heat to warp the head trashed the bearings.
I am real sorry to hear about you misfortune. Just my 2cw. That is what I woul do.
TxGalz Dah