
BF75 No Oil Pressure Lamp


New member
"Got an early model BF75 (

"Got an early model BF75 (late 70, early 80) with no oil pressure lamp and loud mechanical type noise. After removing the cylinder head found that the o-ring between the cylinder head and block for the oil pump was not there. I replaced it. Now I get the oil pressure lamp on at midrange and high RPMs. It's still noisy.

I'm thinking I got a bad conrod bearing (the knocking and lack of oil pressure).

Any thoughts or suggestions."
The " lamp on " indica

The " lamp on " indicates that there is oil pressure.Lamp off means no pressure.

Tested the voltage, is 34vdc and constant regardless of rpm. Will be a challenge to find a LED or something else that is that small, puts out lots of lumens as well, to replace the OEM light source.