
Battery Drain through Regulator/Rectifier


I have a 900ma battery drain through the red charge wire to the rectifier on this engine. I haven't done any specific diode tests yet but have definitively determined the drain to be from the starter solenoid to the red wire of the rectifier/regulator.

No drain on any other circuit and if I separate the red wire rectifier terminals on the junction block it's zero amps. Actually 900 ma is enough to run it down...almost a 1 amp constant drain. It's a known good battery. What is puzzling is that I get ~15vdc charge a full speed even with what would appear to be one shorted diode.

Any need to troubleshoot further or is it safe to condem the rectifier/regulator now?

Anybody got a good used one they'd care to sell? OMC part number 0585001, CDI 193-4476, Sierra 18-5827.

Have you really 900mA current drain into the red lead with stopped engine? 900mA times 12V makes 10.8 Watts! So something must get hot, either the regulator or the stator.
I guess the regulator doesn't, you would have written else. Check the stator windings for a short to ground too.