
b77 MERCURY 98 110 Fuel Leak


" Hi guys,

First of all, th

" Hi guys,

First of all, thanks for all the help from everybody. Did my first ever lower unit lub change and all went well. Went over the things everyone has suggested and it appeared things were looking good..................then I started it.

The engine seemed to be running okay but when I took the hood off I noticed a leak. Please excuse my basic description but just behind the carb on the side of the engine there is a black tube that runs from the bottom up. In total it's about 4-5 inches long. Where it inserts at the top there is a pin-hole leak of what appears to be fuel.

Is this even a fuel line? Is this a hard fix? Where do I get the tube? What kind of tube? Checked my Seloc and didn't see anything that was helping with regards to tube replacement. Joe? Merc Dude? Can anyone help? Thanks guys "
" Hi rob,
I replaced all of m

" Hi rob,
I replaced all of my fuel tubes last year, all of mine were the same size so it was easy. I took a piece of one to a lawnmower repair shop and they sold me twice what I need for about $6. Good luck. "