
87 115hp inline 6 Shifting Problem


"I replaced the water pump on

"I replaced the water pump on my engine and when I put the lower unit back on, it would stay in forward and not shift with the control...I noticed this engine has a splined shaft that goes to the shift rod and a cam on it...But I don't see what the cam rubs against to make the shift rod change positions..."
"Yoy need to remove unit,put c

"Yoy need to remove unit,put control in forward and the lower unit in forward and then reassemble."
I did that and no shift...Does

I did that and no shift...Does the cam on the shift rod ride against any thing when the shift rod turns ???

I think that the cam


I think that the cam you are talking about is the reverse lock. It causes the engine to lock down when put into reverse.

At the bottom of the shift rod (inside the gearcase) there is a cam which pushes against the shaft which causes the clutch dog to move back and forth. A spring in the prop shaft causes the dog to be pushed forward; the shifting mechanism acts against this spring.

The lower shift rod and the cam at the bottom of it, can be rotated a full 360 degrees, so the gearcase could be in forward, but the shaft and cam can be completely out of whack.

What you have to do is rotate the lower shaft counter clockwise until you feel it lock in neutral. There is a step on the cam which will cause this to happen. Then put the lower unit back on while in neutral, and with the remote in neutral also.
