
85b 235 flywheel removal help


ok im starting a tear down of

ok im starting a tear down of the motor and i didnt get very far went to remove the flywheel i took off the nut and applied the puller in the holes threaded all the way down and started tighening and stripped two holes and bent the bolt on the other yeah i heated it a little before hand and oil qenched it before i added to much torque yeah so i tried drilling out and using bigger bolts and wore out the two taps is there a titainium insert on these haha yeah anyone have any trips would help thanks zav
"did you use grade 8 bolts?...

"did you use grade 8 bolts?....... the ones that come with the puller are too weak for a lot of applications.

if your taps are stripping i would say your holes may be a mm too small..... give or take.

i doubt that a heli-coil would hold up.... there is a newer version of the old heli-coil but i cant remember what it is called.. it may hold up.

sometimes they can take up to a week to get loose.

after you get the threads fixed get some good strong grade 8 bolts and tighten it up with good pressure. then wack the end of the puller with a hammer a few times. dont get over zealous and break anything. if it doesnt budge you amy have to repeat this for a few days. you will want to saok it with some penetrating oil and leave the puller on it with tension also. after it soaks with oil for a day go back and try to tighten the puller a little more, maybe hit it with heat or try popping the puller with a hammer again......... then repeat until it pops off.

i have read about people having to literally cut them off.

i have also heard of people turning there eng upside down in a pan of oil to try to soak them good enough to come off.

is this a salt water eng?"
"when,u decide to service ur e

"when,u decide to service ur eng,..lg,eng,u need the proper tools...u have ur self,quite a prob...i guess,i would drill out,retap to lgr and try again..i have never ever pulled threads out of a v4 or v6,..i have,on small eng tho...a lil heat,and lots of wd40,and the omc/brp proper puller,i feel,could have saved ,u this hd-ache.."
yes used grade 8 bolts had t

yes used grade 8 bolts had to go to fastenel when i first started the built in washer started bending so i went there and picked up some bolts and treated washers yes it is a salt eng dont think the proper puller would of worked i heated and oil quenched it which has worked on anything before so i filled the top of it with the best "pb blaster" i think its better the wd40 tomarrow im going to fastenel and ask them about helicoil or the better one and see what i can find the drill bit i have now is the size of the skinniest point on main body of the tap so i can have full threads but im gonna find a better one see what i can do ill call the snap on man if i have to he always likes a challenge ive beat him before haha
"Been there done that,send me

"Been there done that,send me a PM with your phone number and I will call you, don't spend a cent more I will tell you the trick to pop that flywheel off.
My 87 v4 had the same darn problem, dealer refuse to pull it broke all the bolts on every pull then finally the thread's.
My brother in law (old bulldozer mechanic ) pull the sucker off in less than twenty minutes.
I have to explain to you in details 2 long to explain it in words .."
"hey everyone im gonna post

"hey everyone im gonna post it up later but it did work!!!!! i know some of yall will forbid how i did it but it worked and when i got the right bolts for the tool then it took all of 15 minto get off ill try to take some pics as well some times the correct way or right tools jsut dont work you have to "Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome""
-Last resort flywheel removal

-Last resort flywheel removal -

OK everyone i will post pics tomorrow to late now

first you have to be extra safe this can be dangerous
wear safety glass and gloves and also when tightening i tend keep my body s
the motor is a 235 1985 j

the motor is a 235 1985 johnson v6 andrews was a v4 im not to sure how it will work on others due to the flywheel designs thanks and enjoy
"i had a feeling it would be a

"i had a feeling it would be a 'claw'...wk's,got it off,but not good..u may see some flywheel wobble,...in the future,.maybe not...i stand by my prev statement,..the proper tool,could have saved this hd ache...and the future,hd-ache,u may encounter....not bad-mouthing,just saying,..claw tools,r never recommeded,for any,...flywheel,that i am aware of,...but,..my knowledge,lies in j& e outboards,..i think,those r for pulleys,w/a straight,shaft,...not,tapered...anywho,glad u gotter off.."
"Me too. I would be afraid of

"Me too. I would be afraid of breaking the flywheel teeth...
That is the exact process to use, only use the three pulling holes provided, and not a claw type.

Good it is off..

All along I was wondering, was there any locktite on that crank taper? Did you check after it came off?"
it was clean little bit of

it was clean little bit of corrosion but not as bad as i thought
when you cant use the pulling holes anymore what do you do after there stripped i looked up the omc puller and it looked the same only diff is i went and purchase stronger bolts dont see how useing that exact one would of helped but i have been wrong before even if i was to get a new flywheel still have to get old off and this worked like i said in the headline LAST RESORT way to pull it off but the teeth dont break just bend a little cause it pulling from father in than the teeth that small ring
"I will not say I never had pr

"I will not say I never had problems with the original pullers, in fact I have broken several of the disks but never ripped the threads!!
That said, my 'secret' trick was to (carefully) heat the flywheel, then 'freeze' the crank tap. I used a 'converted' CO2 fire extinguisher!!"
The puller I have is l

The puller I have is like this:

You must get a heavy one, no toys allowed.
I think I got mine off a Snap-On tool truck and paid about 70 bucks for it 20 years ago...
No Harbor Freight specials.

Gotta be a horse of a puller and as David Real says, use Grade 8 bolts with it. Thread 'em all the way through the flywheel, but not too far as to damage anything underneath. In other words, use all the threads available in the flywheel.

I am not afraid to really whack the top of the puller bolt with a three pound mini sledge either!!!

Glad it is off."
"Now, Morton, THAT is a truly

"Now, Morton, THAT is a truly imaginative "secret"!!
That is using the noggin.
Very smart!"
close to the same thing as

close to the same thing as oil quenching just heat up the part thats frozen then use a low viscosity oil and squirt some on it carefull it will or can flame up or splash but has worked on everything ive tried it on mainly like the coolant plugs on older v6s and v8s with the hex bit but co2 sounds cool might have to try once may be little more money
but the puller i have is t

but the puller i have is the same got it from the cummins tool dealer i think its made by mac not sure though and grade 8s were used went to fastenel for them
"If I remember well he stated

"If I remember well he stated from the unset the threads were busted so plan B is what it takes to get the job done.
Mine did the same thing, My Mac Tools puller busted out the thread also.
What did the job ? Harbour Freight 10 dollar puller !
Just a little adaptability, and I can guarantee no wobble on the flywheel mine is perfect.
I am not saying this is the way , This way is strictly when the threads are gone ..Mine was almost ruin before I even started , previous owner I guess ?
Thank's for writing the process up hopefully it helps someone in the future."
"Yep..I have been reading ALL

"Yep..I have been reading ALL the postings very carefully. I do know that this was a last ditch effort to get it off. I put that stuff in about the required quality of puller and how to use it for any others reading this thread...so they don't buy a puller that is way under designed for the task at hand.
Seems like Andrew, Zach, JWB and myself all have the proper required puller, it just ripped out the threads of the flywheel this time...oh well..."
"I got my CO2 equipment for &#

"I got my CO2 equipment for 'free', almost. Went to a service station for extinguishers and got some 'out-dated' 1kg ones. Installed a tube about 10" and made it a nozzle at the end.
Very efficient when changing valve seats, bearing races etc, they normally just drop in without any pullers or tools needed. The rear bearing race in the stinger upper units might be a pain to get out, but just heat the housing, spray the race -and it falls out by itself."
yeah sounds like a great idea

yeah sounds like a great idea cause the race cools faster than the housing i might keep my eye out for one hmm propane tank hmmmm empty of coarse haha boom
"Morten, Thanks for this trick

"Morten, Thanks for this trick or in my opinion great tip, its one for my books for sure ..
I am in the process of removing the lower crank bearing on a V4 I have on the bench..I will give it a try if all fails"