
'83 Evinrude 70hp E70ELCTE Head Gasket Question


New member
I needed to rebuild my lower unit and since I don't know the history of the motor, i decided to replace the water jacket gasket and head gasket. The water jacket had a what felt like a metal gasket on it and it came off in one piece. The head came off with no fight at all and doesn't appear to have a gasket at all, just a coating of what looks like blue sealant. Its very thin, not rubbery like RTV. I don't think I've ever seen a head put on like this. I havent tried to remove it, id though id ask first.

Also, on a side note, I removed the thermostat cover and found these two relief valves. According to the schematic it shows only one, but the part listing says 2 are needed. Just an error in the book or is this engine cobbled together with mismatched parts?

I attached pics of both the head and the thermostat cover.

Any thoughts would and are greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

head gasket.jpg

thermo cover.jpg
Thanks for the reply, just so ya'll don't think I'm crazy or can't read, take a look at the picture. Shows 1 valve and 1 spring.

The parts diagrams simplify multiple parts, in order to keep the diagram clean. Look at the bolts that hold the head. They only show one, but the parts number will specify the number required.
It only shows i sparkplug !!!----It only shows 1 head bolt when there are 22 I believe.-----It is done to simplify the drawing for you !-----And at one time I bought 20 motors just like yours and they require 2 relief valves.
The cylinder head on this motor is warped.-----It will have to be refinished ( flat ) before a new head gasket is installed.----You are asking newby questions , but perhaps not liking the answers provided here.
The cylinder head on this motor is warped.-----It will have to be refinished ( flat ) before a new head gasket is installed.----You are asking newby questions , but perhaps not liking the answers provided here.
Thanks for the reply. Not a newbie to outboards, just to getting this far. Normal maintenance and simple repairs were my limit of experience. What do you see that makes you say the head is warped?
Well----I have taken heads off outboards since about 1968 ( count the years ) and every one was warped to some degree !!!
Ok, thanks. I was just curious if you saw something that my inexperience would not have picked up on. I have read that after a few years the head does warp. I had planned on checking it with a straight edge and a feeler gauge. Is it worth while doing a bit of resurfacing with the sandpaper and glass method as long as I have it down this far, or will the gasket and sealant take care of any minor warpage?
Iv just gone through the same and racer helped me my compression was all over the place after changing head lot better. My thread is something like stuck head and other one is cylinder drop test. Redid my head myself with glass and sand paper stuck to it worked well for me
Iv just gone through the same and racer helped me my compression was all over the place after changing head lot better. My thread is something like stuck head and other one is cylinder drop test. Redid my head myself with glass and sand paper stuck to it worked well for me
Thanks for the info. I'll check out your post.
Don’t rely on gasket/sealant…you don’t use sealant on the head gasket, it probably has written on it, “do not use sealer”.
Wipe a permanent magic marker around the sealing edge, then work it in a figure 8 on the sandpaper, I use automotive wet/dry, with soapy water, or oil as lube. The high spots of the marker will wear off first, when the last of the marker is gone, you have a perfectly flat surface. It takes about 7 minutes, & costs nothing, you probably have a sheet of wet/dry somewhere, & an old Formica counter, or anything that is flat & hard can be used. It’s silly not to do a basically free thing when you have the head off.
Thanks for the advice, I will do exactly that. Makes sense to me as well. I checked the head with a machinists straightedge and it is a bit out.