
6 hp mercury 1992 oil leak at prop


Contributing Member
"Have oil leak at prop,can sea

"Have oil leak at prop,can seal be replaced without dropping leg ?
Are there any tricks in doing the replacement ?"
"Brian, are you sure it's

"Brian, are you sure it's the gear oil leaking?

Very commonly you will get burnt/unburnt 2 cycle oil dripping out of the prop. Since the exhaust goes out the prop you also get all the cooties dribbling out of there as well.

Many times you won't notice it because it either ends up in the lake or on the road on the drive home, but sometimes after a good run or on a day with the sun beating on the exhaust housing, that goo will make it's way down and drop where you are parked.

It's a common mistake to assume it's a shot seal...

2 cycle oil is usually fairly black and smells burnt - gear oil is can be either a goldish/honey colour or sometimes green..."
"Thanks Graham
Not sure now,j

"Thanks Graham
Not sure now,just came back from 2 days trolling when I noticed it.
Will change the oil,clean it up and keep a eye on it for a few days to see if it stops.
Thanks for your advise."