
454 overheating pump wpulley locking up Help


New member
I need some help he

I need some help here, please bare with me because I don't know exactly what this is called.
I have a 1995 mercrusier 454. It has 3 belts on the front of the engine. 1. Belt that goes around crank, water pump, and power steering. 2. Belt that goes around crank, water pump and alternator. And 3. Belt that goes around crank, tensioner, and ??pump looking thing?? located under water separator fuel filter. My problem is that this pump looking thing with pulley made a loud screeching noise and the belt that was around it broke and the boat overheated. I replaced that belt and it ran fine for a little bit then it made the loud sreaching noise again and this pump w/pulley looking thing was shaking like it was locking up and the belt was slipping and boat got hot again.
My question is what is this thing called?
Is it best to just replace it with a new one?
Ballpark price of a new one?
Is it an fairly simple bolt on change?
Thank You."
Yes that is it.

Yes that is it.
But WOW! $557.99!
Can mine be rebuilt??
Mine turns kinda hard when spinning the pulley by hand without the belt on it. I didn't know if it is suppose to spin fairly easily or not?
Guy G.
Yes? Meaning that the

Guy G.
Yes? Meaning that the Impeller is the rebuild kit and could likely be my problem? Could this maybe? be all that I need??

before going out


before going out and buying a new one check around to see if anyone can rebuild it in your area, I know that you can buy the parts for it, if it can be rebuilt, or you can take it apart yourself and see what is the problem."
"the things that you need to l

"the things that you need to look at are the bearings, shafts and the housing. make sure that they are not damaged beyond repair. sounds like in your case the impeller is not the problem but your never know, you will just have to open her up and see what's going on.."

Bill K. is right a


Bill K. is right about the rebuild. You can rebuild it if you have the tools and basic knowledge or have someone do it. Your problem is a frozen bearing which is what locked the pump up and burned the belts. The website I gave you sells all the parts needed and also has a new pump for $300. Call them to get the right parts or pump.