
318 Ignition Bypass


Hello I have a problem. - 197

Hello I have a problem. - 1973 Trojan 318's

Stbd engine - with transmission lever in nuetral turned ignition switch- nothing. Batteries and cables(connections) are ok.

I took a jumper cable from the postive side of the battery to the starter - engine turned over (some sparks) I have heard some clicking.
I have assumed that the soleniod is defective.

My real problem is that my boat is scheduled to come out of the water this weekend and so far i have not been able to purchase a replacement solenoid

I am looking for the procedure to start this engine by bypassing the ignition switch. I don't know if it can be done with a defective solenoid
This engine also has a Battery Charger and another solenoid.

Any help will be appreciated
"RE: "I have assumed that

"RE: "I have assumed that the solenoid is defective.."

Not a valid assumption... ignition switch could be defective.

To check which is bad...

There are several places on the solenoid of "interest".

There are heavy wires... one long to the battery, the other short to the starter motor itself.

There are thin wires ( one or two)... If two, one goes to ground. The other is the lead from the ignition switch.

If you jumper from the battery to the heavy lead, and it starts (cranks) then the started motor itself is OK and you could have EITHER a bad solenoid or a bad ignition switch.

If you jumper from the battery to the thin wire from the ignition switch and it cranks, then its a bad ignition switch ( or wire to it). If it does not crank...bad solenoid.

If it does crank when you jumper the thin wire, then get a short piece of wire and climb under the dashboard. At the back of the ignition switch connect the wire between the heavy wire (often purple or red) and the terminal on the ignition switch with only one wire on it. If it cranks...bad switch...If it doesn't crank...wiring problem. If both of the other switch terminals have only one wire (rare), then the one to jumper is the one furtherst from the heavy wire IN THE DIRECTION OF ROTATION of the switch as you go from off to on to start."
"hi... it could possibly be th

"hi... it could possibly be the neutral safety switch on the transmission... also,if possible, move boat with one engine & run it when on the hard with a fresh water source... only my .02 worth... good luck... mike...

'81 penn yan w/318... rwc..."
"what did you find here,make s

"what did you find here,make sure the shift lever is centered instead of shorting solenoid just take the small wire off thats coming from switch put positive to that also with a meter check you have a good ground from battery to solenoid/engine also with meter on wire removed from solenoid if its grounded good plug into meter turn switch see if your getting 12 to it"