
25 evinrude


Had my 69 25 HP on the water after replacing coils , points, condensors , plug wires and plugs. It starts right up and idles great, but no top end and no high rpm's.it has good spark. Is this a carb problem or is it possible that the points are off a little or maybe the coils not close enough to flywheel. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
It seems like running on one cylinder , it has good spark with a spark tester. It isn't getting enough rpm's for some reason. I have moved the motor around and it doesn't make a difference. It ran real good for about 2 minutes then bogged back down to slow speed.
I will try that. If running on 1 cylinder what should I check since everything is new. I also have j4c plugs but when I got it, it had j6c in it . Which is right.
I will recheck all work, not done anything with carb. It does have bright blue spark with a spark tester. Might check fuel pump also. Thanks for the help.