
2008 8 hp 4 stroke cleanign carb


New member
Can you give step by step instructions on removing the carburetor and cleaning?

The motor starts, revs, and then stalls. I am pretty sure the carburetor needs cleaning, as gas is old.
Assuming you have the MFS8A3. The full servicing info is in the Factory service manual, available from any dealer, including me.

The short version is as follows:
1. Remove the 2 long 6mm bolts (10mm heads) that hold the silencer and carb as a "sandwich" to the intake manifold. Don't lose the 2 base gaskets and thermal spacer at the intake.
2. Disconnect the choke and throttle linkages, and fuel line.
3. Disassemble fully, including the stainless cover on top, as well as the bowl, float/needle, unscrew the jets, and remove the emulsion tube "nozzle".
4. Set the bowl o-ring, cover gasket, and other soft parts such as the carb needle aside for manual "wipe off" cleaning.
5. Submerge all hard parts in dip type cleaner for 3 or 4 hours.
6. Follow the dip directions on the can for washing the dip out of the carb when done. Carb spray works OK for this.
7. Reassemble, reinstall, and check/adjust idle speed when warmed up.