
2005 6 HP Nissan gear shift linkage adjustment?

One adjusts the brass rod coupler, accessed through the grommet in the side of the exhaust housing "leg", so that N of the LU is also N of the shifter. It may be easier to access the bolt if you shift down into R, and have the LU in R as well. Then lock the 6mm bolt (10mm head on it). the procedure is in the Factory service manual, available from any dealer, including me.
I changed the impeller on my Nissan 6 hp fourstroke outboard. Somehow the linkage is not aligning. I can get the shaft in place but the linkage does not coincide with the head unit shifter. I have tried over and over, what is the secret?
First, I advise doing a complete wp kit, not just the impeller. Once reassembled, you use a 10mm socket to snug up the coupler.