
2001 Johnson 25hp. overheat


Contributing Member
Guys, I am stumped. This motor gets hot just at idle. It steams. The pee stream is very strong. I already changed the water pump and thermostat. The s.l.o.w. kicks in. At high speed there is no problem. Could the new thermostat be bad? Evidently the bypass spring is working at high speed. Thanks
test the thermostat in hot water. see what temp it opens at. you can try running your motor without the thermostat in it, at idle and see if it over heats.
Try removing the Stats and see what happens. Also check your intake screen in the lower unit, if this is missing or damaged you may have sucked something through the screen and clogged your cooling passage.
After removing the head cover,I found the gasket was swelled up cutting off the water flow through the tiny passage in the head. Can you believe it?