
2.3 omc will not engage reverse,forward ok,the cable seems to move ok


New member
my boat has been laid up for some time with other problems that I am gradually repairing (with help I may add.)As for now when I move the throttle lever in the cabin forward gear engages and drives ok.When I pull the lever back the cable seems to move freely now but does not drive.(I could not move reverse at first ,so i ran it in forward for a while ,after I did this the cable seemed to move freely in reverse.The Wires going to the tilt and trim switch have been disconected for the time being,would this have anything to do with the problem.I need to oil and clean the throttle control box in the near future but I wanted to engage the drive to see if it work.(the first time I have done this ,I have only just got the engine starting and running a long story.)If anybody has any advice I would be greatfull.)
the 2.3 is a cobra and has a mechanical shift. the tilt/trim has nothing to do with the shifting. It sounds like your cable is out of adjustment there are many posts on here that deal with cable adjustment t. there is a method for adjusting reffered to as the styart hastings or just the hastings method of adjustment follow that proceedure and if your cables are good your problem should be fixed