
1991 60hp Johnson Ignition Coils Test


Anyone know how to test the ig

Anyone know how to test the ignition coils on a 1991 Johnson 60hp? My engine stumbles when running. I have replaced the fuel filter and plugs with no improvement. It starts and idles fine.
"A simple resistance test with

"A simple resistance test with an ohm meter will tell whether the windings are intact or not.

However, a "stumble" is most likely a fuel issue - clog developing or air getting into the system somewhere..."
"Can you elaborate on how to d

"Can you elaborate on how to do the test? Also, any suggestions on what I should check/replace first in regards to the fuel issue?"
"It only takes a minute to che

"It only takes a minute to check the coils - you simply are looking for almost no resistance between the "in" and the "out" on the coil.

Usually the windings are either intact or not - so they work or don't work.

But I really would concentrate on the fuel system - starting back at the tank - vent, pick up, hose, bulb, fittings etc..."
"Would it help if I used a por

"Would it help if I used a portable tank for testing? I don't know much about the tank assembly, but I do have a manual. Is there a pump or something also?"