
1989 74L with Bravo1 high temp at idle


New member
"I noticed while sitting at id

"I noticed while sitting at idle (800 rpm) dockside engine temp went to 190-200, increased rpm to 1000 and temp dropped to 160 almost right away. Engine has new impellar and water pump last 6 months. Otherwise runs 150-160...any ideas? Recent tune up with timing reset to spec @ 8 btc."
Fresh or salt water use? Loos

Fresh or salt water use? Loose pump belts? Kink in a water hose? Junk in the seawater strainer? How is the temp while cruising or on a long run? If it runs above 160 F. then suspect decreased water flow thru risers/elbows due to narrowed water passages.
"Fresh water since day one. I&

"Fresh water since day one. I'll check items you mentioned, otherwise she runs 150-160.