
1989 5.0 305 230 hp quadrajet flooding


last weekend i wasnt getting gas changed pump now its flooding, got a carb rebuild kit today, put new gaskets and new excelerator pump and needle seat kit set float to 15/64 ,still floods, set float again at 3/8 still floods, bought new float set it to 15/64 still floods, could the pump be putting out to much pressure or should i try new needle and seat, gonna hook up a fuel pressure gauge tomorrow. any ideas been working on it all day and its still flooding
pump is mechanical power valve is ok i can see the fuel come up over the gasket on the secondary metering rods and any other spot you can see in from above the carb, the block that goes over the float arm
my pump is machanical, and its brand new bought and installed on friday. its just flooding since i put the new pump in and i have set the float three times 1/8 deeper every time , unless there is a spot the gas can get around the needle and think that not it , either the pump pressure is to high or the needle and seat is no good, tried to find a fuel gauge last night will any psi gauge work or does it have to be fuel guage