
1981 50hp Tilloston Carbs


50hp Mercury serial #6011979. Tillotson Carbs. In the process of a recarb. all has gone ok except for the extra part left over. It is a small rubbber O-Ring. I cannot find it in book or the breakdown I was directed to on the web. Any suggestions?
I did not find anything like it when I took them apart. Got a gut feeling these have been into before and all was not put back together right.
Mr. Beckerjs....(or anyone who might know the answer). I had also made a post in regards to a brass "screw" on the face of the carb. If the carb was on the motor this screw is in the two o clock position . It is not the idle adjustment. It is brass, slotted for a standard screwdriver and has a hole in the center. It looks like a jet. Is that what it is? In any case im missing one. Just trying to figure out what is is.
You might be refering to the vent jet, it vents the float bowl. Providing less than atmopheric pressure to the fuel bowl at mid range, which results in improved fuel economy (quote). You can change the size to make it richer, no jet = richer.
Usually only see an o-ring on either the float valve seat or the drain screw (if equipped).

But as JB notes, carb kits often cover many models - OMC's are the worst - I end up with more gaskets and seals left over than were used on the carb...